Placemaking in Novi Iskar

On 12.07.2022, our team held a meeting with students from 170 SU "Vasil Levski" in Novi Iskar, during which we discussed ideas for building a space for young people as part of the "Neighborhood Democracy in Urban Communities" project, called in short "Active neighborhoods". It is part of the long-term program Place Bulgaria, coordinated by the association BG Be Active (city of Plovdiv), and is based on the placemaking methodology, with a focus on building processes and connections between the main parties: citizens, municipalities, communities and civil organizations, and is implemented with the support of the Active Citizens Fund.

By organizing interventions with citizen participation, building the capacity of civil organizations and municipal officials, Active Neighborhoods will contribute to laying the foundations for democratic dialogue at the local and national level, strengthening neighborhood democracy in local communities, inspiring residents to get involved in political processes at the local level and promote trust between community members.

During the forum, the students discussed different options for placemaking and gave very good ideas about what the space designed and created by them in the project should contain. Together with them, we envisioned this place becoming a reality in no more than 3 months.