Connectication Boarding Game

What is “Connectication”? 
Connectication is an engaging and educational board game that is designed to teach children aged 9-13 important life skills based on healthy relationships and good character.
*The game is available in English and Bulgarian, as well as Greek and Portuguese and you can download it completely for free.

What is the aim of the game?
Through playing Connectication, children learn how to show admiration and appreciationproblem-solve and find solutions for different situations, self-regulate when strong emotions occur, identify emotionscooperate and communicate with others effectively.

…But Connectication is more than just a game. It also includes tips for teachers and educational specialists to use as a constant reference point when dealing with disruptive behavior in the classroom or outside of it. These tips are intended to be read and reviewed regularly to help teachers guide children in a positive and effective way.

Who is it for? 
The game is designed to be used by both teachers and students in classroom settings, however, it is also an excellent resource for parents who want to promote healthy communication and problem-solving skills at home.
So if you're looking for a way to help your children learn important life skills in a fun and engaging way, invite them to play Connectication. With its focus on authentic communication, problem-solving, and healthy relationships, this game is sure to provide hours of entertainment while also promoting valuable skills that will last a lifetime.

*The game was developed under Erasmus+ Programme KA210-YOU - Small-scale partnerships in youth.
Project partners:
Bulgaria – Can You Association / New Opportunities
Portugal - Agrupamento de Escolas Trigal de Santa Maria (AETSM)
Graphic design: VBrand Visuals | @ vbrandvisuals
Illustrations: Yana Tosheva - Instagram

The game contains 7 decks of cards and 1 book with Rules and Instructions. 
They can be played
  • together or separately
  • with individual students or with a group. 

Each deck is dedicated to a different topic: 
DECK 1 - Admirations and appreciations
DECK 2 - Problem-solving
DECK 3 - Self-regulation
DECK 4 - Identifying the Emotion
DECK 5 - Cooperation and communication
DECK 6 - Inclusive Ta-Boo Game
DECK 7 - Tips for Teachers 

See the decks as a Booklet HERE

Download the decks below: