New opportunities for adult female victims of violence through art

Erasmus+ Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project Overview:
  • Start date: 1 January 2023
  • Duration: 19 months

NEW is a European Union funded project that aims to empower adult women victims of violence through the transformative power of art.  Gender-based violence continues to be a problem in today's society and initiatives that offer hope and empowerment are a light for progress. The NEW Project is such a light that aims to inspire people through the creative process and shine a light on gender issues and the profound inequalities that women face in their daily lives. This includes raising awareness about the prevalence of gender-based violence and the lasting impact of such traumatic experiences on both personal and professional aspects of their lives.

The project is implemented in partnership between the Can You Association and the Greek organization IASIS, aiming to raise awareness about gender-based violence and believing in the transformative power of art.

Project Objectives:
1) Melioration of mental health of the female victims of violence.
2) Promotion of the healing power of Art and Cultural activities as a means of therapeutic occupation.
3) Enhance the target group's skills, via workshops and high-quality educational material.
4) Raise awarenes around gender-based violence against women.
5) Promote an environment of inclusion for female victims of violence, who often feel marginalised.
6) Improve access to high-quality learning contents.
7) Collaborate with high-skilled partners.
8) Promote the idea of Erasmus+ projects and the benefits they have.
9) Enhance a sense of inclusion, acceptance and non-judgement.

NEW project activities are designed to achieve these objectives in a practical and tangible way:

The first activity aims to create role models videos:
A total of four videos, shared in Bulgarian, Greek and English, enable women to share their stories, provide real experiences and empower women victims of violence to take leadership positions. The role model videos not only motivate women, partners and stakeholders, but also serve as a model for women to start writing their own leadership stories and sharing their experiences. 

The second activity aims to create a NEW Handbook:
The NEW Handbook serves as a comprehensive resource containing national literature review in the two countries partnering on the project, examples of good practices and feedback from focus groups.
Additionally conducting 8 artistic workshops led by trained professionals to provide women with a platform for creative expression by sharing their stories through various art forms.

The third activity aims at holding InfoDays:
Both countries organize awareness raising days on gender-based violence. A total of 40 stakeholders participate in the InfoDays. The aim is to inform participants about the scope of the project as well as the results. Also to raise awareness on violence against women and how it can contribute to improving this social problem.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

The New Opportunities Handbook: Literature review on gender issues, art therapy & Artistic workshops

New Opportunities Handbook in Bulgarian

New Opportunities Handbook in English - 

Or download it as a PDF file here in Bulgarian and English:

Interview with Martina Lazarevic: Life Beyond Domestic Violence

​This video is the result of the Erasmus+ project KA2 called "NEW opportunities for adult female victims of violence through art". The main aim of this project is to provide new opportunities for women who have been victims of violence through the transformative power of art. Using the creative process, we aim to inspire people and shed light on the gender issues and deep inequalities that women face in their everyday lives. This includes raising awareness about the prevalence of gender-based violence and the lasting impact of such traumatic experiences on both personal and professional aspects of their lives.
Interview with Daniela Tahirova: Overcoming trauma after domestic violence.

​This video is the result of the Erasmus+ project KA2 called "NEW opportunities for adult female victims of violence through art". The main aim of this project is to provide new opportunities for women who have been victims of violence through the transformative power of art. Using the creative process, we aim to inspire people and shed light on the gender issues and deep inequalities that women face in their everyday lives. This includes raising awareness about the prevalence of gender-based violence and the lasting impact of such traumatic experiences on both personal and professional aspects of their lives.

​Interview with Olga Kotopoulou
Conducted by: IASIS NGO Athens

In this video, we interviewed a therapist who talks about different methods to overcome the trauma of domestic violence and the strength each woman carries within herself.

Our goal is to raise awareness about the prevalence of gender-based violence and its lasting impact on personal and professional aspects of life.

​Interview with Eleni Dimou 
Conducted by: IASIS NGO Athens 

Our aim is to use artistic methods to draw attention to gender equality issues and the deep inequalities faced by women.

This includes raising awareness about the prevalence of gender-based violence and its lasting impact on personal and professional aspects of life.

Photos from the four Art Workshops we held. The artistic method we chose to use during the workshops was pottery. As a result, the lovely ladies created their own works of art out of pottery, with some of them painting their creations and others decorating them using different materials such as flowers, ribbons, etc.
We successfully created a safe and creative space where women could celebrate their strength and femininity, meet and make new friends, discuss current women's issues and create ceramic art under the guidance of experienced teachers.

We gathered the artworks the ladies made during the Artistic Workshops in a unique art gallery. You can view the gallery and read their messages here: 
At the end of the project, we held two inspiring Info Days events that brought together 25 active representatives of key stakeholders. These included representatives from municipalities, women's counselling organisations, NGOs, vocational and training centres, as well as health and mental health experts.

The main objective of these events was to raise awareness on critically important topics such as gender-based violence and inequalities that women face on a daily basis. We also presented significant outcomes from our project, including the videos we recorded, the NEW Opportunities handbook, and the gallery of artistic products created by the ladies who participated in the project.

In addition, we organized three dynamic focus groups with five participants each. During these discussions, participants exchanged ideas and developed opportunities for future collaboration that will help to continue the project beyond its official end. In this way, we not only consolidated the sustainability of the results, but also expanded the impact of the project.